What better time of the year to do something special for the gig lover in your life than to them the gift of music on Valentine’s Day!
If you know someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes music, here are the perfect Valentine’s Day gift ideas for them:
Spoil them with gig tickets
Gig tickets are the ultimate gift and with so many big artists and bands heading out on tour this year, chances are your significant other won’t be disappointed! You could even go the extra mile and treat them to a ticket gift card and leave the choice up to them?
Sentimental song lyrics
From one wonderful line to an entire meaningful song – frame some sentimental lyrics to hang proudly on the wall or write them by hand in a card for an extra special touch.
Don’t say it, sing it
If you’re lucky enough to be gifted with incredible singing skills or are simply feeling brave, you may choose to serenade your true love with a special tune this Valentine’s Day. Perhaps it’s something you’ve written yourself? Or your unique take on a song that means a lot to them? Either way the huge gesture is sure to pull on their heartstrings.
Capture a special musical moment together
This is the chance to pay tribute to a gig or festival you went to together and reminisce about the amazing time you had. You could even take it to the next level and print the pic on a t-shirt to create your very own personalised matching band tees!
Put some thought into a playlist
Make them a personalised mixtape or put together their very own one-of-a-kind Spotify playlist of songs that remind you of them.
Get dressed up for the occasion
A pair of matching band tees could be a fun, romantic way to celebrate an artist or band that you both love.
Have you come up with any creative music gifts of your own? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter!